Fossil fuel engines have old fashioned technology that cause environmental pollution such as air pollution and water pollution. Since emission rates are high on fossil fuel systems, air pollution occurs. And drinking-ocean-sea water pollution caused by fuel or oil leakage.
Today’s electrical engine technology allows low power engines could be used under water however, high power engines could be used above water. High power engines generate energy and transfer via transfer organs to propellers. There are energy losses during transfer. Besides, naked propeller systems are naturally poor efficient.
Electrical engines on boats, yachts and other marine transports intake power from battery packs. Our team suggest LiFePo batteries due to safety regulations, weight, price/performance ratio. Batteries could be charged mostly by three alternative ways. First, electrical outlets provided from land, second, solar power systems which is green way to charge and generators which provides hybrid energy.
Dewjet Electrical Engines consume battery energy where create thrust energy to provide movement. Since there is no power transfer organ and no power loss accordingly, Dewjet Electrical Engines work high efficiency. Here upon, Dewjet Electrical engines work as jet principle, engines let water in to a canal and create a laminar flow. Engines provides high efficiency because of this principle. Moreover, stators do not need extra cooler since the components are under the water.

Dewjet with numbers

Dewjet with numbers